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Hours: 642:40

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
05/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #830: Maxfuel non recalculé à la fin du combat 0:20 Actions
05/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:15 Actions
05/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #835: Optimisation des index en BDD idx_planets_address_like 0:10 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support 0:20 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:30 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #835: Optimisation des index en BDD 0:10 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #834: Wrong notif count sometimes 0:10 Actions
05/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #832: Bloquage dans le chargement 0:40 Actions
05/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support 0:10 Actions
05/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:15 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #829: Major Performance issue since 0.6.7 0:20 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #34: Commerce 0:15 Actions
05/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Beta-0.6.7-rev.200509g 0:10 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #806: Impossible de transferer le carburant d'une flotte à l'autre 0:10 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #790: La liste des notifications de conquetes/colo ne se nettoie pas 0:05 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #809: Vaisseau de colonisation non consommé 0:15 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #810: Il est possible de clear la notification de conquete 0:05 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #808: Notification de conquete envoyée a tout le monde 0:10 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:05 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Mise à jour 0.6.7 2:35 Actions
05/08/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:40 Actions
05/07/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:45 Actions
05/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:30 Actions
05/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:40 Actions
05/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #797: Augmentation de la rapidité du temps des premières recherches 0:05 Actions
05/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #796: Equilibrage des temps de constructions en early game 0:35 Actions
05/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #794: Tests de zero avec un nouveau client 0:40 Actions
05/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:55 Actions
05/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #789: "Marquer comme lu" de multiples rapports ne supprime pas les notifications 0:05 Actions
05/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #785: Auto-refresh on fleet end move not working 0:20 Actions
05/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #792: Ajout des PV et du stockage de fuel des vaisseaux coloniaux 0:10 Actions
05/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #791: Impossible d'assigner une tactique a une flotte 0:05 Actions
05/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #252: Conquest System: Normal 0:45 Actions
05/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 1:00 Actions
05/03/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:45 Actions
05/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 3:45 Actions
05/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:15 Actions
05/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #466 0:55 Actions
05/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #252: Conquest System: Normal Fixes 0:30 Actions
04/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #355: Resources Cargo 0:25 Actions
04/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #738: Redimensionner le hud pour faire entrer les nouvelles données (nb de planètes, credits) 0:20 Actions
04/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #739: Afficher le nombre de crédits du joueur 0:10 Actions
04/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
04/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #778: Regler les valeurs par defaut des planetes (pour les colonisables/joueurisables) 0:15 Actions
04/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #779: Empecher la colonisation de planetes non colonisables/joueurisables 0:10 Actions
04/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:20 Actions
04/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:15 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #734: Singularity system icon 0:05 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #771: Population affiche NaN parfois 0:15 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #772: Some infos are undefined when asking a planet we're conquering at connection (or after loosing a planet) 0:10 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Fix des tests 0:25 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #776: Refresh players concerned by a conquest on conquest begin 0:05 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #774: Reset de la recherche de la planete au moment de la fin de la conquete 0:05 Actions
04/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #772: Some infos are undefined when asking a planet we're conquering at connection (or after loosing a planet) 0:15 Actions
04/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
04/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #730: Moyen de limiter le nombre de planètes ou la vitesse de colo 0:05 Actions
04/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #718: Event on conquest end 0:50 Actions
04/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #769: Changer le message lorsqu'on affiche une planète qu'on est en train de conquerir 0:15 Actions
04/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #727: Panel pour conquetes en cours (exterieur) 1:00 Actions
04/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #768: Send client error to server log it 0:20 Actions
04/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
04/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #759: Attack fleets should go back to their planet (if enough fuel) 0:30 Actions
04/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #728: Changement des combats en cas de conquete en cours 0:10 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #47: Planet resources ratios 0:35 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:15 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #717: Begin conquest/colonisation on battle win with colonisation ships 0:10 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #757: Stats lastday: use lastAction AND lastConnected to filter inactive players 0:05 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #683: Alliance panel: client notifications & error messages Client 0:40 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #683: Alliance panel: client notifications & error messages Serverside 1:20 Actions
04/23/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #717: Begin conquest/colonisation on battle win with colonisation ships 0:15 Actions
04/23/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
04/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
04/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #730: Moyen de limiter le nombre de planètes ou la vitesse de colo 0:30 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support ZdS 0:20 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 1:10 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #736: Erreur d'affichage des dependances dans le panel de recherche 0:10 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Mise à jour 0.6.5 2:20 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #732: Can't move map on mobile devices 0:10 Actions
04/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #731: Invalid user data sent to player on connection 0:10 Actions
04/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #730: Moyen de limiter le nombre de planètes ou la vitesse de colo 1:00 Actions
04/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
04/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #700: Wrong emotes conversion 0:10 Actions
04/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #729: Map: Zoom incorrect Divers tests sans succès 1:25 Actions
04/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:35 Actions
04/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support Utilisateur 0:35 Actions
04/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #729: Map: Zoom incorrect 0:40 Actions
04/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #698: Map: improve performances 4:00 Actions
04/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:15 Actions
04/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:40 Actions
04/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #706: Display "Planet is being conquered" on main page 0:40 Actions
04/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #495: Research status on main screen 1:00 Actions
04/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #692: Player data is not refresh after alliance invitation 0:05 Actions
04/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #384 0:30 Actions
04/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:25 Actions
04/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #638: Prevent building & producing while colonization/conquest is currently happening 0:30 Actions
04/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #680: Send colonisation list (out and in) for a player Clientside 0:15 Actions
04/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #701: Utilisation des icones Humble Bundle pour remplacer certaines icones du jeu Hangar simple/double 0:55 Actions
04/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other 0:25 Actions
04/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #673: Amélioration des graphismes des menus 1:50 Actions
04/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #701: Utilisation des icones Humble Bundle pour remplacer certaines icones du jeu 0:55 Actions
04/07/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Fix tests 0:05 Actions
04/07/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #609 0:30 Actions
04/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #497: Slow down production instead of stopping it when building prod buildings 0:30 Actions
03/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #691: Kick button out of window (ally) 0:10 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #691: Kick button out of window (ally) 0:15 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #695: Daily bonus not working 0:15 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #688: Ally always null on ranks page 0:10 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:10 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Mise à jour des alliances 2:00 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Fix some issues reported by sonarqube 0:10 Actions
03/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #687: High CPU Usage on dev 0:15 Actions
03/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #419: Share fuel with other planet's (same ally) fleets in orbit 0:15 Actions
03/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Kenney asset 0:05 Actions
03/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #685 0:05 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #568: Add allied fleets in battle (for attacker side, defender is already taking all "defense" fleets) 0:10 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:10 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #674: Split serverside socket management into files 0:20 Actions
03/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #384 db.fleets 0:50 Actions
03/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #684: Errors are not catched in async functions Fix log(*, 'err') 0:35 Actions
03/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:20 Actions
03/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #680: Send colonisation list (out and in) for a player 0:30 Actions
03/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #638: Prevent building & producing while colonization/conquest is currently happening 0:30 Actions
03/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #52: Allys Traductions 0:40 Actions
03/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #683: Alliance panel: client notifications & error messages 0:10 Actions
03/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #669: Plan de creation de transporteurs, chances d'evitements avec hangars incorrecte 0:20 Actions
03/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
03/23/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys Fix des tests 0:25 Actions
03/23/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 1:10 Actions
03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #638: Prevent building & producing while colonization/conquest is currently happening 1:00 Actions
03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #38: Moral 0:05 Actions
03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Mise à jour (hotFix) 0:10 Actions
03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #677: Loading freeze at 82% (Loading Fleets) 0:10 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Gestion des nouveaux testeurs 0:40 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #677: Loading freeze at 82% (Loading Fleets) 0:15 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 2:05 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Nettoyage db des comptes de tests 0:05 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #677: Loading freeze at 82% (Loading Fleets) Impossible de reproduire le bug 0:20 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:10 Actions
03/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:15 Actions
03/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur + Nettoyage des recuperation des mdp expirés + Nettoyage des sessions 0:35 Actions
03/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:50 Actions
03/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:15 Actions
03/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:20 Actions
03/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Comm 1:00 Actions
03/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 2:50 Actions
03/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 3:00 Actions
03/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 1:10 Actions
03/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #673: Amélioration des graphismes des menus Brainstorming 0:05 Actions
03/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 1:35 Actions
03/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:15 Actions
03/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
03/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:25 Actions
03/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys Ameliorations sur l'UI 0:20 Actions
03/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #670: Impossible de transferer un type d'unité précis d'une flotte à l'autre 0:10 Actions
03/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 1:10 Actions
03/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
03/08/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:55 Actions
03/08/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #552: Ally permissions 0:30 Actions
03/08/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 1:00 Actions
03/07/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #552: Ally permissions 1:40 Actions
03/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 1:30 Actions
03/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:45 Actions
03/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:40 Actions
03/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #16: Ally Ranks 1:00 Actions
02/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #477: Moteur de dépendances 0:05 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #418: Share fuel with other planet's (same owner) fleets in orbit Bug lors de la recuperation de la planete en cours de distribution de fuel (serverside) 0:15 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #477: Moteur de dépendances Bug lors du compte des flottes si on a une flotte d'un autre joueur (info publiques uniquement) clientside 0:05 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #68: Max building level by planet type 0:30 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #68: Max building level by planet type 0:30 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #627: It's making not the right count of units some times 0:05 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:25 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #498: Improve buildings description 0:05 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #569: Notify all player when a battle simulation ends 0:05 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #418: Share fuel with other planet's (same owner) fleets in orbit 0:15 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Upgrade dependancies 0:40 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #505: "Merge fleet" button not working 0:05 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #523: Bouton "Rappel" pour les flottes à l'exterieur 0:40 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #501: Equilibrage état major 0:10 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #529: Ameliorer la description du tutoriel sur les recherches 0:05 Actions
02/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #587: Image Docker pour le serveur 0:05 Actions
02/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #477: Moteur de dépendances 2:50 Actions
02/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
02/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Mise à jour 0.6.2 du 24/02/2020 1:55 Actions
02/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #598 Fix du planet.sync() et de la premiere connexion 0:30 Actions
02/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #600: Debordements d'ecrans dans l'interface mobile 0:15 Actions
02/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #557: Main window does not render correctly on wide screens HUD Bottom 0:15 Actions
02/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #557: Main window does not render correctly on wide screens Hud top bar, TODO: hud bottom 0:35 Actions
02/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #477: Moteur de dépendances 1:20 Actions
02/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #578: Impossible d'ouvrir le menu du système solaire sur certains navigateurs 0:10 Actions
02/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:30 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #535: Take research in account in battle 0:25 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:15 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #550: Prevent showing tutorial when asked by server if mimimized one is the same 0:05 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #35: Discord ranks to chat ranks 0:15 Actions
02/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
02/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #519: Amelioration des contrastes sur le panel de recherches 0:15 Actions
02/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other #598 0:15 Actions
02/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #598 0:45 Actions
02/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #598 1:40 Actions
02/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #600: Debordements d'ecrans dans l'interface mobile 0:10 Actions
02/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
02/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #560: Make gouvernement choice more interactive 0:30 Actions
02/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #466 Documentation/Qualite de code 0:40 Actions
02/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #587: Image Docker pour le serveur Fix final 1:00 Actions
02/03/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #576: Server crash Refacto pour faciliter le debug futur 0:10 Actions
02/03/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #576: Server crash 0:05 Actions
02/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #587: Image Docker pour le serveur Recherches du bug 3:00 Actions
01/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #252: Conquest System: Normal Normal colony ship shape 2:00 Actions
01/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #252: Conquest System: Normal Link between research & model + Costs 1:00 Actions
01/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #573: Server Crash 0:05 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #572: In game news scrollbar not displaying properly 0:15 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #506: Wrong helium 3 production on tooltips on level 0 0:05 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #479: 2D Solar system: Problems with planet list design 0:10 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #252: Conquest System: Normal Colony research & Colony ship research 0:20 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #571: Units improvement Models of fighters & corvet 0:30 Actions
01/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #571: Units improvement Rename 0:20 Actions
01/03/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #400: Wrong population count when changing planet 0:30 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:30 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #466 Fin décembre 5:00 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #469: Unit detail: draw fighter weight 0:15 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #499: Speed up units building depending on shipyard level 0:15 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #38: Moral 0:15 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #219: Maps - See address of hovered system 0:20 Actions
01/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #522: Discord bot, bold player name 0:15 Actions
01/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #474: Afficher l'heure 0:15 Actions
01/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #509: Copy select wrong ship shape 0:10 Actions
12/31/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #538: Can't click on "Building ended" notification 0:10 Actions
12/31/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #559: Set last news as read when registering to prevent player being spam on first connection 0:10 Actions
12/31/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #553: in-game news no longer working 0:10 Actions
12/27/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 2:00 Actions
12/27/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:45 Actions
12/27/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #552: Ally permissions View UI 0:10 Actions
12/26/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #556: Game music 0:30 Actions
12/25/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys Ally chat 0:10 Actions
12/15/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #547: Can't open Terms and conditions on mobile app 0:15 Actions
12/11/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:30 Actions
12/11/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #16: Ally Ranks Draw alliance name if player ranks 0:20 Actions
12/10/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #549: Equilibrage des coûts des unités 0:15 Actions
12/10/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #489: Diminution des temps de construction en early game 0:15 Actions
12/09/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #548: It's showing DISABLED_FUNCTIONALITY message when clicking on "My profile" link 0:05 Actions
12/07/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #587: Image Docker pour le serveur 1:00 Actions
11/26/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #537: Wrong attack notif message 0:05 Actions
(251-500/833) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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