# 0.4 - Maps [ALPHA] 10/02/2017 Maps Update * Feature #86: Random earth type planet at first connect * Feature #96: Forgot password * Feature #98: More security on PHP Post variables * Bug #120: Portal: bugs with alpha server whitelist * Bug #158: Error with polygon in procedural generation of ship blueprints * Feature #160: Maps: button to back to parent * Bug #174: Differents pictures names ( preLoad and buildpanel ) * Feature #189: Maps: translate and enhancement of 'Back to ...' * Feature #149: Small Corvet: Enhance design * Feature #12: Recherches: Ordre de lancement * Feature #162: Alpha Android App * Feature #165: Check internet connection * Feature #10: Research: costs * Feature #11: Recherches: Message sur parents manquants * Feature #13: UI: < CONTENT > * Feature #20: Maps: galaxy map * Feature #21: Maps: Generateur * Bug #45: Black screen while loosing connexion and being on research panel * Feature #66: Replace text if upgrading from lvl 0 to 1 * Feature #67: Pause production if needed building is being upgrading * Feature #84: Reassignement of number for planet types * Feature #87: Explicit level in buildpanel * Feature #91: Notification when a building is finished * Feature #93: Maps: Generateur de planètes avancé * Feature #94: Maps: Taux de presences des astres manquantes * Feature #102: Maps: Ordre logique des planètes * Bug #105: Black screen after toggeling map if reseach panel was open * Feature #106: Research: client update * Bug #107: Research: Black screen while changing research * Feature #108: Research: UI enhancements * Bug #111: Research are not updating serverside * Feature #112: Research: Call server when client finished a research + maximum of cost ( x/y ) * Feature #128: Maps: quadrant map * Feature #129: Maps: sector map * Feature #130: Maps: system map * Feature #187: Add galactic map to picture preload * Bug #192: Building: solar panel need energy verification while building it * Feature #193: Maps Generator: random star size * Bug #195: \""Back to parent\" under some maps" * Feature #201: Maps - Quadrant : Move bottom Quadrant to access to upper one * Feature #202: Maps: Show planet/star informations * Feature #238: Maps Generator: spread more solar systems