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Hours: 642:40

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
02/24/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #75: Register - Captcha 0:15 Actions
12/31/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details 0:15 Actions
11/13/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #412: Parent building & research for some other research 0:15 Actions
11/13/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #408: Parent building & research for some other buildings 0:15 Actions
08/23/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #81: Index: Pictures 0:15 Actions
08/17/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #398: Remove jQuery from client code Notifications 0:15 Actions
08/15/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #398: Remove jQuery from client code Rewrite of details polyfill without use of jQuery 0:15 Actions
08/14/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #220: Maps - Solar System: Preview on click on planet Interface de mouvement vers une planete non possedée par un joueur 0:15 Actions
08/14/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #226: Fleets: Move to another system/planet Affichage des temps et conso de fuel, il ne manque plus que les calculs client 0:15 Actions
08/13/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details Hangar USE/CAPACITY 0:15 Actions
06/24/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #328: User Profile: Ranks Resolution de bugs divers 0:15 Actions
06/11/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #375 Confirmation de mail et mot de passe oublié 0:15 Actions
04/24/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #333: Map: zoom Fix du zoom 0:15 Actions
04/19/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #41: Settings 0:15 Actions
04/07/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #362: Units count after building is sometimes wrong 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #44: Points take care of millitary power 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #154: Stats Weapons 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #154: Stats Weapons 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #155: Stats Shield Generators & Projectors 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #159: Maps: Button to go to current planet 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #198 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #200: Notifications are spamming sometimes 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #220: Maps - Solar System: Preview on click on planet 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #247: User Profile - Show 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #256: Midnight Events 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #276: HUD Bottom: See differences between active and unactive panels 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #286: Build units & orbital buildings faster if launchpad have higher level 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #288: Stats Hull (Armor) - Health Points 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #289: Research: drawPanel() links bugs if zoom isn't at 1 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #291 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #298: Fleet Panel: Draw if an unit is currently building 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #299: Prevent unit building panel being closed and validated if new fleet panel is opened 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #301: Confirmation before deleting type 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #304: Units can't be finished one by one 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #309: Can't be connected on 2 sessions having same browser 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #335: Map: lag lors du deplacement 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #342: Fleet type list displaying wrong sometimes 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #343: Wrong helium storage at some high level 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #349: Add a warning message in console about self XSS attacks 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #350: Improve daily bonus 0:15 Actions
01/06/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #33: Fuel Fix du refuel 0:20 Actions
11/28/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #412: Parent building & research for some other research Debug 0:20 Actions
11/03/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #307: Research/Map: Can't zoom on mobile 0:20 Actions
09/22/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #404: Solar system: planet pos - wrong calculation First fix, it was using milliseconds instead of second 0:20 Actions
08/14/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #353: Stats Hangar movement planning window 0:20 Actions
07/11/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #220: Maps - Solar System: Preview on click on planet Dynamisation du panel de mouvement (traduction, messages, joueur et planete) 0:20 Actions
07/09/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #220: Maps - Solar System: Preview on click on planet UI: liste des flottes dans le panel de mouvement 0:20 Actions
07/09/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #245 Resolution de quelques bugs dus à la migration 0:20 Actions
07/09/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #371: Draw warehouse storages in building panel 0:20 Actions
04/15/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #155: Stats Shield Generators & Projectors Ajout des couts 0:20 Actions
04/15/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #353: Stats Hangar Ajout des couts 0:20 Actions
09/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #468 Drag components 0:20 Actions
09/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #956: Augmenter légerement le nombre de points minimum pour chaque planète 0:20 Actions
08/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:20 Actions
08/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #930: Non prise en compte des deconnexions sur la console et dans les stats temps reel 0:20 Actions
06/23/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #908: Integration crowdin 0:20 Actions
06/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #894: Resources.CalcNewResource() ne prends pas en compte les flottes dans la limite de stockage maximum d'helium de la planète 0:20 Actions
06/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
05/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Debug divers 0:20 Actions
05/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #822: Architecture db (Commerce) 0:20 Actions
05/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #840: Faire en sorte que les points soient automatiquement calculés par postgres au runtime 0:20 Actions
05/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #830: Maxfuel non recalculé à la fin du combat 0:20 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support 0:20 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #829: Major Performance issue since 0.6.7 0:20 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
05/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
05/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #785: Auto-refresh on fleet end move not working 0:20 Actions
04/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #738: Redimensionner le hud pour faire entrer les nouvelles données (nb de planètes, credits) 0:20 Actions
04/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:20 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
04/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #768: Send client error to server log it 0:20 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support ZdS 0:20 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #674: Split serverside socket management into files 0:20 Actions
03/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:20 Actions
03/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #669: Plan de creation de transporteurs, chances d'evitements avec hangars incorrecte 0:20 Actions
03/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #677: Loading freeze at 82% (Loading Fleets) Impossible de reproduire le bug 0:20 Actions
03/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:20 Actions
03/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys Ameliorations sur l'UI 0:20 Actions
02/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
02/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:20 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #252: Conquest System: Normal Colony research & Colony ship research 0:20 Actions
01/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #571: Units improvement Rename 0:20 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #219: Maps - See address of hovered system 0:20 Actions
12/11/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #16: Ally Ranks Draw alliance name if player ranks 0:20 Actions
07/21/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #507: Rechargement du fuel client incorrect 0:20 Actions
06/19/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #496: Incoherences d'affichage des temps de construction en orbite 0:20 Actions
06/04/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #472: Unit is not building when fleet is empty (updateunit method) 0:20 Actions
05/29/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #229: Battle: Simulation algorithm Détermination des dommages (base) 0:20 Actions
05/29/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #229: Battle: Simulation algorithm Choix de la cible 0:20 Actions
05/29/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #471: Erreur d'affichage des unités en early game s'il manque des recherches 0:20 Actions
05/26/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #462: Erreurs dans les comptages de ressources 0:20 Actions
05/16/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #407: Add missing Halos & Front of some planets & stars Front 1003, 1007 0:20 Actions
03/29/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #442: Migrate to Postgres Models PHP 0:20 Actions
03/22/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #357: Battle: Fleet Tactics Dessin des interfaces 0:20 Actions
03/02/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #423: Fusionner de/dans une flotte 0:20 Actions
12/13/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1520: Move to Github Tools 0:25 Actions
12/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:25 Actions
10/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #973: Enhance code readability by using ui.createXXXelement() to create DOM elements 0:25 Actions
(301-400/833) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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