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Hours: 642:40

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
06/21/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #33: Fuel Consume if you can, else prevent moving 0:05 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #305: End building Notification display wrong level 0:05 Actions
11/17/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #307: Research/Map: Can't zoom on mobile Fix map zoom on mobile 0:05 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #336: Fleet UIs: ENTER to confirm forms 0:05 Actions
06/05/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #358: Notification board Changement du display de la croix "clear all" selon si il y'a des notifs ou non 0:05 Actions
12/05/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #401: Solar map: click event on bottom of planet does not work properly Propriété CSS trouvée par hasard 0:05 Actions
06/09/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #157 Ajout du test de verification des sessions 0:05 Actions
03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #38: Moral 0:05 Actions
05/11/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #70: Contact: invalid captcha Fix grace au script de login 0:05 Actions
02/24/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #407: Add missing Halos & Front of some planets & stars Halo 901 0:05 Actions
09/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #416: Use promises instead of callback in server code Tactics.checkOwner() 0:05 Actions
05/29/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #472: Unit is not building when fleet is empty (updateunit method) Confirmation 0:05 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #477: Moteur de dépendances Bug lors du compte des flottes si on a une flotte d'un autre joueur (info publiques uniquement) clientside 0:05 Actions
02/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #477: Moteur de dépendances 0:05 Actions
11/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #484: Complex passwords doesn't work with hash algorithm 0:05 Actions
06/16/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #487: Incorrect server-side statistics 0:05 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #498: Improve buildings description 0:05 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #505: "Merge fleet" button not working 0:05 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #506: Wrong helium 3 production on tooltips on level 0 0:05 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #529: Ameliorer la description du tutoriel sur les recherches 0:05 Actions
11/26/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #537: Wrong attack notif message 0:05 Actions
12/09/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #548: It's showing DISABLED_FUNCTIONALITY message when clicking on "My profile" link 0:05 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #550: Prevent showing tutorial when asked by server if mimimized one is the same 0:05 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #569: Notify all player when a battle simulation ends 0:05 Actions
01/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #573: Server Crash 0:05 Actions
02/03/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #576: Server crash 0:05 Actions
02/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #587: Image Docker pour le serveur 0:05 Actions
02/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Nettoyage db des comptes de tests 0:05 Actions
03/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Kenney asset 0:05 Actions
04/07/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Fix tests 0:05 Actions
04/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
04/23/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
04/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
04/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:05 Actions
05/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support 0:05 Actions
05/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support 0:05 Actions
05/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
05/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
05/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:05 Actions
06/07/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
07/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Veille technologique 0:05 Actions
08/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:05 Actions
08/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Suppression des stats cassées 0:05 Actions
09/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:05 Actions
09/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Comm' 0:05 Actions
09/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
09/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Fix de TU 0:05 Actions
10/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
10/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:05 Actions
09/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #612: Notification en francais: harmonisation du pluriel des notifs de construction 0:05 Actions
02/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #627: It's making not the right count of units some times 0:05 Actions
06/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
06/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
07/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
07/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
10/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore RP 0:05 Actions
10/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
11/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
11/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
12/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
12/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
05/04/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:05 Actions
03/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #673: Amélioration des graphismes des menus Brainstorming 0:05 Actions
09/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #678: !asay: normalized chars are broken 0:05 Actions
04/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #692: Player data is not refresh after alliance invitation 0:05 Actions
10/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #723: AG-II - Rework du plan Utilisation de l'ancien modele de l'AG-I, choix des components 0:05 Actions
10/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #724: AG-I - Plan Choix des components 0:05 Actions
04/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #730: Moyen de limiter le nombre de planètes ou la vitesse de colo 0:05 Actions
05/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #733: Force ranks update 0:05 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #734: Singularity system icon 0:05 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #757: Stats lastday: use lastAction AND lastConnected to filter inactive players 0:05 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #774: Reset de la recherche de la planete au moment de la fin de la conquete 0:05 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #776: Refresh players concerned by a conquest on conquest begin 0:05 Actions
05/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #789: "Marquer comme lu" de multiples rapports ne supprime pas les notifications 0:05 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #790: La liste des notifications de conquetes/colo ne se nettoie pas 0:05 Actions
05/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #791: Impossible d'assigner une tactique a une flotte 0:05 Actions
05/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #797: Augmentation de la rapidité du temps des premières recherches 0:05 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #810: Il est possible de clear la notification de conquete 0:05 Actions
05/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #819: Les rapports de combats n'apparaissent pas toujours à la fin du combat 0:05 Actions
05/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #837: Il est parfois impossible de changer de planète 0:05 Actions
05/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #852: La planetList du joueur conqueri n'est pas remis à jour si son empire est reset 0:05 Actions
05/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #855: Desactiver la rotation de la planète par defaut 0:05 Actions
05/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #858: Erreur lors de la fusion d'une flotte 0:05 Actions
05/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #868: Boucle d'appels sockets lorsqu'on se fait conquerir une planete 0:05 Actions
05/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #871: Ajouter tout joueur responsable d'un conquete sur une planete lors d'un combat à la liste de ceux ayant un rapport de combat 0:05 Actions
05/31/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #873: Il faut refresh la planète avant le debut d'un combat 0:05 Actions
05/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #874: Les flottes ne se suppriment pas toujours en fin de combat 0:05 Actions
05/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #876: Soucis mineur de distribution du carburant 0:05 Actions
06/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #893: Impossible de renommer la planète 0:05 Actions
09/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #897: TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of null 0:05 Actions
07/04/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #899: Mise en place de cypress 0:05 Actions
09/06/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #944: User points should be synced with planetList update on conquest end 0:05 Actions
09/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #949: Conquest not syncing 0:05 Actions
09/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #952: TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined 0:05 Actions
10/03/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #964: Erreur lors d'une simulation de combat 0:05 Actions
10/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #968: Planet changing arrows are seen on top of some windows instead of behind them 0:05 Actions
10/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #969: Hide planet change arrows when you only have one planet 0:05 Actions
10/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #970: Tooltips on hud bottom right gets out of the screen 0:05 Actions
10/31/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #1029: Cannot read property 'shipShape' of undefined Unlock fleets updates on prod server 0:05 Actions
08/05/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1487: research.svg is not cached Cannot reproduce 0:05 Actions
12/13/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #1520: Move to Github Shared lib 0:05 Actions
03/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #685 0:05 Actions
05/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #851 0:05 Actions
09/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other #467 Listing + Loader 0:05 Actions
12/25/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys Ally chat 0:10 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:10 Actions
05/08/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #53: Tutorials Liste des tutos + Conception archi 0:10 Actions
02/26/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #223: Fleet Edit Menu: move units to another fleet 0:10 Actions
05/11/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #229: Battle: Simulation algorithm Recuperation des tactiques 0:10 Actions
05/30/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #242: Unsubscribing newsletter 0:10 Actions
05/06/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details Current tactic 0:10 Actions
06/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #338: Trade: Max transfers (mass) per planet 0:10 Actions
04/27/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #456: Focus address not working with zoom 0:10 Actions
01/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #479: 2D Solar system: Problems with planet list design 0:10 Actions
06/12/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #483: Perte d'un niveau au bâtiment quand celui-ci n'est pas constructible par manque de population 0:10 Actions
06/09/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #486: Desactivation automatique de la rotation de la planète sur mobile 0:10 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #501: Equilibrage état major 0:10 Actions
06/28/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #503: It stops producing resources after a builiding is builded 0:10 Actions
06/28/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #508: Incorrect units prices 0:10 Actions
01/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #509: Copy select wrong ship shape 0:10 Actions
11/11/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #520: Undefined unit name on notification 0:10 Actions
12/31/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #538: Can't click on "Building ended" notification 0:10 Actions
12/27/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #552: Ally permissions View UI 0:10 Actions
12/31/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #553: in-game news no longer working 0:10 Actions
12/31/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #559: Set last news as read when registering to prevent player being spam on first connection 0:10 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #568: Add allied fleets in battle (for attacker side, defender is already taking all "defense" fleets) 0:10 Actions
02/03/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #576: Server crash Refacto pour faciliter le debug futur 0:10 Actions
02/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #578: Impossible d'ouvrir le menu du système solaire sur certains navigateurs 0:10 Actions
02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
03/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
03/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
03/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:10 Actions
03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Mise à jour (hotFix) 0:10 Actions
03/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Fix some issues reported by sonarqube 0:10 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:10 Actions
04/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
04/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
04/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Beta-0.6.7-rev.200509g 0:10 Actions
05/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support 0:10 Actions
05/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Comm' 0:10 Actions
05/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
06/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
06/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
06/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
06/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
07/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support utilisateur 0:10 Actions
09/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
09/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
09/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Creation du repo galactae-tools & passage sous sonarqube 0:10 Actions
09/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
10/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Nettoyage BDD + Gestion de projet 0:10 Actions
01/23/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet MaJ profil play console 0:10 Actions
11/17/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Support - Suppression de compte 0:10 Actions
12/08/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #599: Gestion de projet Fix cdn url to only use galactae one (on website) 0:10 Actions
03/02/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #599: Gestion de projet Stats 0:10 Actions
02/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #600: Debordements d'ecrans dans l'interface mobile 0:10 Actions
03/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #670: Impossible de transferer un type d'unité précis d'une flotte à l'autre 0:10 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
05/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
07/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
07/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
07/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
09/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
11/23/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
12/10/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
12/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
12/12/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #671: Lore 0:10 Actions
03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #677: Loading freeze at 82% (Loading Fleets) 0:10 Actions
06/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #679: "Enter" button does not work on planet name editing when we are on research panel 0:10 Actions
03/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #683: Alliance panel: client notifications & error messages 0:10 Actions
03/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #688: Ally always null on ranks page 0:10 Actions
03/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #691: Kick button out of window (ally) 0:10 Actions
04/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #700: Wrong emotes conversion 0:10 Actions
04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #717: Begin conquest/colonisation on battle win with colonisation ships 0:10 Actions
04/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #728: Changement des combats en cas de conquete en cours 0:10 Actions
04/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #731: Invalid user data sent to player on connection 0:10 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #732: Can't move map on mobile devices 0:10 Actions
04/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #736: Erreur d'affichage des dependances dans le panel de recherche 0:10 Actions
04/30/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #739: Afficher le nombre de crédits du joueur 0:10 Actions
04/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #772: Some infos are undefined when asking a planet we're conquering at connection (or after loosing a planet) 0:10 Actions
04/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #779: Empecher la colonisation de planetes non colonisables/joueurisables 0:10 Actions
05/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #792: Ajout des PV et du stockage de fuel des vaisseaux coloniaux 0:10 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #806: Impossible de transferer le carburant d'une flotte à l'autre 0:10 Actions
05/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #808: Notification de conquete envoyée a tout le monde 0:10 Actions
05/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #817: Impossible de construire des unités dans certains cas (les boutons disparaissent et ne reapparaissent pas) 0:10 Actions
05/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #824: Panel de commerce 0:10 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #834: Wrong notif count sometimes 0:10 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #835: Optimisation des index en BDD 0:10 Actions
05/14/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #835: Optimisation des index en BDD idx_planets_address_like 0:10 Actions
05/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #838: Le début des colonisations ne se refere pas à l'heure prévue des combats mais au moment de la simulation 0:10 Actions
05/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #850: Owned n'est pas toujours soustrait ET unités = 0 n'est pas toujours supprimé de la liste des flottes 0:10 Actions
09/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #862: Impossible de cliquer sur les etoiles en bas de l'ecran sur la map a cause du hud bottom 0:10 Actions
06/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Bug #887: Optimiser la taille de la musique et la mettre en cache 0:10 Actions
09/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #895: Failed to construct 'Notification': Illegal constructor. Use ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification() instead. 0:10 Actions
06/19/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #902: Server: influence zones are sent to everyone 0:10 Actions
03/26/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1716: Fix mobile version 0:10 Actions
04/27/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #354 0:10 Actions
04/29/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #466 Database folder 0:10 Actions
05/21/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #384 0:10 Actions
05/31/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #466 0:10 Actions
06/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #384 Prevent code execution after update if it fails 0:10 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #137: Research: fuel consumation 0:10 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #140: Research: Auto-center on current research while opening panel 0:10 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #258: Firefox - Linux: Register - Checkbox at wrong place 0:10 Actions
04/04/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #267: Website does not keep custom language while connected 0:10 Actions
06/24/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #334: Global Map: New Background Nouveau background en 4K 0:10 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #353: Stats Hangar 0:10 Actions
11/17/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #403: We need to disabled interaction with all parents panel when using a unit subpanel 0:10 Actions
12/03/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #408: Parent building & research for some other buildings Serverside + messages 0:10 Actions
11/30/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #412: Parent building & research for some other research Fixes 0:10 Actions
12/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #412: Parent building & research for some other research Script de reset + trad 0:10 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #355: Resources Cargo 0:10 Actions
05/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #34: Commerce 0:15 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #35: Discord ranks to chat ranks 0:15 Actions
01/02/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #38: Moral 0:15 Actions
04/19/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #41: Settings 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #44: Points take care of millitary power 0:15 Actions
03/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #52: Allys 0:15 Actions
10/04/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #63: Server speed configs Serverside 0:15 Actions
05/30/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #72: User Profile - Edit Vue 0:15 Actions
02/24/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #75: Register - Captcha 0:15 Actions
08/23/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #81: Index: Pictures 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #154: Stats Weapons 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #154: Stats Weapons 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #155: Stats Shield Generators & Projectors 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #159: Maps: Button to go to current planet 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #200: Notifications are spamming sometimes 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #220: Maps - Solar System: Preview on click on planet 0:15 Actions
08/14/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #220: Maps - Solar System: Preview on click on planet Interface de mouvement vers une planete non possedée par un joueur 0:15 Actions
02/26/2019 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #225: Fleet autoremoving 0:15 Actions
08/14/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #226: Fleets: Move to another system/planet Affichage des temps et conso de fuel, il ne manque plus que les calculs client 0:15 Actions
04/02/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #247: User Profile - Show 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #256: Midnight Events 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #276: HUD Bottom: See differences between active and unactive panels 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #286: Build units & orbital buildings faster if launchpad have higher level 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #288: Stats Hull (Armor) - Health Points 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #289: Research: drawPanel() links bugs if zoom isn't at 1 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #298: Fleet Panel: Draw if an unit is currently building 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #299: Prevent unit building panel being closed and validated if new fleet panel is opened 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #301: Confirmation before deleting type 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #304: Units can't be finished one by one 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #309: Can't be connected on 2 sessions having same browser 0:15 Actions
04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details 0:15 Actions
08/13/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details Hangar USE/CAPACITY 0:15 Actions
12/31/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details 0:15 Actions
(1-250/833) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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