


Spent time


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Hours: 167:50

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #589: Project Architecture 0:10 Actions
02/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #589: Project Architecture 0:15 Actions
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #590: Console component & design 0:10 Actions
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #591: Console line (print) component 0:05 Actions
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #591: Console line (print) component Drawing and style 0:15 Actions
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #592: Console input componenet Event management 0:15 Actions
02/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #592: Console input componenet 0:45 Actions
02/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #593: Script: Game introduction 1:15 Actions
02/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #594: Game start sound & introduction music Audio manager + Search of a new music 0:35 Actions
02/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #594: Game start sound & introduction music Music & sound found 0:20 Actions
02/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #595: Gestion de projet (Hydrogen) 0:10 Actions
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #595: Gestion de projet (Hydrogen) 0:05 Actions
02/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #595: Gestion de projet (Hydrogen) 0:15 Actions
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #597: Command Manager 0:10 Actions
02/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Feature #597: Command Manager 0:10 Actions
10/16/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #602: Find a longer music 2 new musics, better mystery loop 1:30 Actions
07/15/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #602: Find a longer music 0:35 Actions
07/11/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Improvement #602: Find a longer music 0:20 Actions
03/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #603: First mission script 0:15 Actions
02/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #603: First mission script 0:45 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #603: First mission script VF 0:10 Actions
02/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #603: First mission script Format & Text, TODO: commands & end of mission 0:20 Actions
03/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #604: Second Mission Script 0:20 Actions
05/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #605: Use arrow keys to move cursor on ConsoleInput component 0:35 Actions
02/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Other Misc #607: Gestion de projet (Helium) 0:05 Actions
(1-25/354) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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