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Hours: 1607:50

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #267: Website does not keep custom language while connected 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #272: Best bonus is -1 of current day if we are making a new record 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #276: HUD Bottom: See differences between active and unactive panels 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #286: Build units & orbital buildings faster if launchpad have higher level 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #287: Mines available when we have research 1:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #289: Research: drawPanel() links bugs if zoom isn't at 1 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #290: Research: border bugs if zoom isn't at 1 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #291 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #293: Type creation: prevent opening & drawing button if you have no shape research 1:00 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #296: Bonus windows: Draw active on buttons 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #298: Fleet Panel: Draw if an unit is currently building 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #299: Prevent unit building panel being closed and validated if new fleet panel is opened 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #300: Unit type list: sort by 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #301: Confirmation before deleting type 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #302: Unit times 0:45 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #304: Units can't be finished one by one 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #305: End building Notification display wrong level 0:05 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #306: Fleet Panel: Rename model 0:45 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #308: Defence Fleet 0:45 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #309: Can't be connected on 2 sessions having same browser 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #311: Wrong unit building countdown 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #312: Can't build on existing fleet 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #313: Wrong population count 1:00 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #314: Fleets list 1:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #315: Wrong consumtion/production - minerals 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #320 3:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #321 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #322: Fleet lists: Details 0:45 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #323: Unit building: invalid client and/or server calc 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #326: Blurry pictures when active is drawed 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #328: User Profile: Ranks 1:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #329: Sometimes, defence fleet is drawed in fleet list (build panel) 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #332: Profil: Wrong name regex 0:45 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #333: Map: zoom 0:45 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #336: Fleet UIs: ENTER to confirm forms 0:05 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #337: Game connection is blocking sometimes 1:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #342: Fleet type list displaying wrong sometimes 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #345: [Firefox] Can't zoom in research panel & map 2:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #348: Can't create new type 0:30 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #349: Add a warning message in console about self XSS attacks 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #350: Improve daily bonus 0:15 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #353: Stats Hangar 0:45 Actions
Galactae: Space Age Dawn 04/01/2018 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #360: Research button not clickable 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/06/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1683: Switch to .NET 1:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/20/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1683: Switch to .NET 0:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/11/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1683: Switch to .NET 3:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/01/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module Improve grafana panel 1:35 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/28/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1683: Switch to .NET 1:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/16/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1683: Switch to .NET 1:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 0:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/26/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1683: Switch to .NET 1:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/21/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1098: Steam sells module 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/13/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1098: Steam sells module Follower count + smart delete 1:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/13/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Fix local version 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/12/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Improve youtube grafana panel 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/11/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1098: Steam sells module New grafana panels 1:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/30/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Improve spent time panel 0:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/01/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1665: Grafana: remplacer le carpet plot et remplacer les anciens graphs 0:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/09/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1652: Extract images from music 2:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/02/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1098: Steam sells module 1:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/27/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1488: power-tplink-tapo-p110 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/05/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1620: unzip not found on some systems when downloading module from desktop app 0:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/02/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Fix lumen-server after modules UI update 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/30/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1092: UI to manage modules 2:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/30/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1091: Back-end system to download modules 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/30/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1573: Auto-restart server on crash (docker image) 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/16/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Various updates 0:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 06/17/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1597: Rebuild history data 0:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/28/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Fix Timezones in calendar module 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/27/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1488: power-tplink-tapo-p110 1:55 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/25/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1488: power-tplink-tapo-p110 1:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/21/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1555: Lumen is using a lot of CPU after some time 0:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/18/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1555: Lumen is using a lot of CPU after some time Optimize focus-stats by adding cache + Opti monitoring module + Make AppDataManager fully async 1:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/17/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 2:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/29/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1488: power-tplink-tapo-p110 Fixes 1:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/08/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1555: Lumen is using a lot of CPU after some time 1:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/07/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1555: Lumen is using a lot of CPU after some time 2:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/06/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 03/23/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1571: notabot-stats 2:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/27/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1563: Automated build for lumen-desktop 0:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/12/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities InteractionError 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/03/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Update deps 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/22/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Remove node-fetch & Fixes 1:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/21/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1091: Back-end system to download modules Auto-download from server 2:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/19/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1523: Switch to tauri R&d 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 11/26/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1503: Cleaner process 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 11/25/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1503: Cleaner process 1:35 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/29/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities reverse montre 0:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/24/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Misc fixes & update 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/24/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Update Discord to v14 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/23/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1488: power-tplink-tapo-p110 2:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/20/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1488: power-tplink-tapo-p110 1:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/13/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1469: Prevent big activities on some task (e.g. focus stats update) to disconnect Discord bot 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/09/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Clean data 3:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/08/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Clean data 5:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/10/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1488: power-tplink-tapo-p110 1:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/09/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Fix youtube module with private videos 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 06/18/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1466: Switch to slash commands 0:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 06/18/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1307: Bot to automatically log sleep time 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/10/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1449: Add a way for modules to register commands 1:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/10/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1448: Config hot reload (both desktop and global ones) 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/05/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1446: Logger should show module name 0:55 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/05/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1447: Configurations should be sandboxed 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/02/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 0:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/02/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1445: try/catch 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/30/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1308: Deploy server version 0:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/30/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1285: Store modules config in one unique place Netflix / Amazon modules 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/30/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1098: Steam sells module 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/30/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1442: Automatic way to trigger update of modules/versions list 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/29/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Lumen cleaner 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/28/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1270: lumen-server: Dockerfile 3:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/12/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities npm-check/npm audit 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/12/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1434: Electron 18 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/06/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1090: Github repository listing all modules GH Action with list 0:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/06/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1098: Steam sells module Debug wrong import 0:35 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 03/26/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1306: Slow performances on focus-stats tagging window 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 03/19/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1085: Config UI 1:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 03/19/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1344: Random meaning in top bar & window title for LUMEN 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/27/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module Clean data 2:55 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/29/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1285: Store modules config in one unique place 2:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/29/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1337: Electron 13 => 16 0:35 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/29/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Update dependancies 1:55 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/09/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1330: focus-stats: We loose progress of current activity if it continues after update process begins, we should update old items if duration is different 0:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/03/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1098: Steam sells module 4:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/03/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Clean dm 0:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/02/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 0:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/02/2022 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1306: Slow performances on focus-stats tagging window 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/31/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module Perfs improvements in back-end process 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/23/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 0:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/22/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 1:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/21/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 3:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/19/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1083: Modules configurations 1:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/19/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1300: Slow start 0:55 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 11/14/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1285: Store modules config in one unique place 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 11/14/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1239: Yt module: insert more often, but only if changed 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/16/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Opti requetes grafana 1:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/15/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Update discord.js & add purge 0:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/08/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Fix nonfocus issues + Fix focus-stats performance issues 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/02/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1081: Replace all "require" by "import" 1:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/02/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1261: lumen-module-monitoring: SSL verification doesn't work anymore after let's encrypt root certificate expiration 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/30/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1081: Replace all "require" by "import" 1:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/30/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1261: lumen-module-monitoring: SSL verification doesn't work anymore after let's encrypt root certificate expiration 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/23/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 3:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/11/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1083: Modules configurations 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/04/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1229: Calendar modules: insert only if not existing 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/03/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1223: YT watchlist module server 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/03/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1228: Copy old server & compat with modules 2:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/23/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1091: Back-end system to download modules 0:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/22/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1091: Back-end system to download modules 0:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/22/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1090: Github repository listing all modules 0:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/15/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1223: YT watchlist module 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/31/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1149: Electron 12 => 13 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/31/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1184: Random is not properly working on music module 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/31/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1150: Stop using "remote", and use @electron/remote only if necessary 2:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/29/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1080: [MUSIC MODULE] UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: RequestError: connect ECONNREFUSED Replaced module by a window 1:20 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/29/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1097: Steam achievements module 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 07/27/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1182: Big performance issue with focus-stats 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/30/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/28/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1149: Electron 12 => 13 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/28/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1148: Electron 11 => 12 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/28/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1147: Electron 10 => 11 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/28/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1087: Replace localStorage by a managed storage on fileSystem 1:55 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/25/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/25/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1146: Stats Focus Module 1:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/07/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 0:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/29/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1099: AdSense summary module 1:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/27/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1097: Steam achievements module 0:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/27/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1074: Migrate pomodoro module from old version Show time, and differentiate minor/major activities 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/27/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1084: Load module metadata from module.json 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/26/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1074: Migrate pomodoro module from old version 0:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/26/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1074: Migrate pomodoro module from old version 1:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/26/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1077: Migrate pictureOfTheMoment module from old version 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/02/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 01/01/2021 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1074: Migrate pomodoro module from old version Pomodoro module 0:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/27/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1075: Migrate music module from old version 2:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/09/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1076: Migrate monitoring module from old version 1:50 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/08/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 1:00 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 12/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities 1:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 11/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1076: Migrate monitoring module from old version Monitoring main 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 11/13/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities style 2:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/20/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Modules management, importing base modules from old versions 1:45 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/18/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Module system 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 10/17/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1073: Misc. Activities Build index, Build css, gestion basique des modules dans l'index 0:55 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/25/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1079: POC process focus POC process focus 1:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 09/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1079: POC process focus POC process focus 0:40 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/29/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 Mise à jour des dependances, et build 0:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 Module de monitoring 0:30 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 08/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 Random picture 0:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 06/28/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 Adds video timer, add a way to disable timers 0:25 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 05/01/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/24/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 0:05 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 04/05/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 1:15 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 03/22/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 0:10 Actions
L.U.M.E.N. 02/26/2020 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development #1078 0:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 05/12/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1661: E2E tests which npm + update deps 0:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 05/12/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Updates 0:30 Actions
Manufactur'inc 04/27/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1726: Comm tool: Img to factory 2:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 04/14/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1693: Auto-(un)assign resources to storage units 0:40 Actions
Manufactur'inc 04/01/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Update dependencies 0:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 03/21/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. 0:30 Actions
Manufactur'inc 03/15/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. 1:05 Actions
Manufactur'inc 03/08/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Update dependencies 0:05 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/21/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Update admin deps 0:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/21/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1697: Admin: Show min and max cycle duration 0:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/18/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1661: E2E tests 2:00 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/17/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1661: E2E tests 0:55 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/17/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1692: Invalid ghost for non 1x1 elements 0:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/10/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Bug #1692: Invalid ghost for non 1x1 elements 1:35 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/08/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1686: Enough items to actively test gameplay 2:40 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1686: Enough items to actively test gameplay 0:40 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/04/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1684: Show real figures as money on top bar Front: calc real time production 0:15 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/04/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Update dependencies + Cleanup 0:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 02/04/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1684: Show real figures as money on top bar 0:15 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/27/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1622: Move building 1:25 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/22/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1682: Factory canvas context menu 0:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/21/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1682: Factory canvas context menu 1:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/21/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Improve performances, "delay feeling" 0:15 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Update PTB server 0:30 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1656: Fake create building visually after clicking to prevent feeling lag from server 0:15 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Feature #1547: Enable steam overlay 0:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Fix CI 0:05 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Code quality improvements 0:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/07/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement Dernieres modification pour rendre le jeu ISO fonctionnalité ce qui existait avant le rework 1:20 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/03/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Update dependencies 0:15 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/02/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement Admin - tools - synchro 1:00 Actions
Manufactur'inc 01/02/2024 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement Admin - tools 1:35 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/26/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement Refacto + Fuzzy tests 1:50 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/24/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement Fuzzing 0:45 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/23/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Update admin deps 0:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/21/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement Fix animation + Fix some serverside issues 1:15 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/19/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 2:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/18/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 1:35 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/16/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 2:35 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/13/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 1:30 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/10/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 2:05 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/06/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1673: Auto-scale pods 0:45 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/02/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. 0:05 Actions
Manufactur'inc 12/02/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Misc #1043: Misc. Dependencies + Fix tests + Private package auth 0:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/26/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 3:40 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/22/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 2:30 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/20/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 0:35 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/20/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 1:25 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/18/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 2:45 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/14/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 3:10 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/12/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 1:00 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/12/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 1:40 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/08/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 2:30 Actions
Manufactur'inc 11/07/2023 Axel "Elanis" Soupé Development Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement 1:00 Actions
(1751-2000/2121) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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