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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1878 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Global: Tooltip to show the resource' name in the choice 02/03/2025 08:42 PM Actions
1877 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Calculate two max storage, assigned and auto-assignable ones 02/03/2025 08:22 PM Actions
1869 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Ethical decision: accident prevention 12/06/2024 06:24 PM Actions
1866 Alchemistry Feature Pending Normal Lemon, Lemonade and cave johnson's achievement 12/03/2024 01:15 PM Actions
1865 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Energy market 11/28/2024 07:20 AM Actions
1864 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Energy production 11/28/2024 07:20 AM Actions
1862 Achieve.Games Improvement Pending Normal Rework app 11/27/2024 08:31 PM Actions
1858 Alchemistry Improvement Pending Normal Make last moved element on top of other ones 11/22/2024 03:34 PM Actions
1857 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Switch beta branch directly from the game 11/08/2024 07:48 PM Actions
1856 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Show steam friends in leaderboard 11/07/2024 09:05 PM Actions
1851 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal User-forced resource type in storage slots 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1850 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Show the currently stored resource type on the storage icon itself 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1849 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Show non-active i/o paths 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1848 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Improve tutorials 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1847 Extortion Bug Pending Normal When in windowed mode, the setting is wrongly selected 11/22/2024 03:36 PM Actions
1846 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Add a way to save multiple favorites ways to link the factory so you can switch between them 10/25/2024 04:04 PM Actions
1845 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Massive manual link: button to unlink all equipments, button to link all unlinked equipments 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1843 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Make Steam automatically install Edge Webview2 Runtime if needed 11/22/2024 03:39 PM Actions
1832 Manufactur'inc Bug Pending Normal Selling in-transition resources causes bugs 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1829 Manufactur'inc Bug Pending Normal MacOS version doesn't work properly 10/24/2024 04:53 PM Actions
1828 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Popup to remind players to give feeback 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1826 Alchemistry Improvement Pending Normal Count speedrun time from the first merge, not from the gamemode start 11/22/2024 03:34 PM Actions
1819 Extortion Improvement Pending Normal Have a better translation for commands 11/22/2024 03:36 PM Actions
1815 Alchemistry Feature Pending Normal Crafting tree 11/22/2024 03:34 PM Actions
1806 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Make resources path smarter 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
(1-25/125) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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