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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1712 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Settings/Storage: Add an option to show full storage as well as current usage on the right tab for accessibility purposes 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1711 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Settings: Key remapper 11/22/2024 03:40 PM Actions
1710 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Twitch integration 11/22/2024 03:41 PM Actions
1691 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Minimap 02/10/2024 10:24 AM Actions
1690 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Show name + a button for various data (name, cost, stats, ...) when hovering an element in equipment selector 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1683 L.U.M.E.N. Misc Pending Normal Switch to .NET 01/26/2024 08:17 PM Actions
1676 L.U.M.E.N. Improvement Pending Normal Rework music module LUMEN 12/10/2023 04:18 PM Actions
1670 Extortion Improvement Pending Normal Add space after auto-completion action 11/22/2024 03:36 PM Actions
1663 Extortion Improvement Pending Normal Add the option to reverse shell (reverse history / input on top) 11/22/2024 03:36 PM Actions
1655 Manufactur'inc Misc Pending Low Devblog 04/13/2024 10:36 AM Actions
1650 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Global events: christmas, easter, etc. 11/22/2024 03:40 PM Actions
1649 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal API to expose data (global market, resources list, building list, more ?) 09/04/2023 03:59 PM Actions
1642 Alchemistry Feature Pending Normal New achievement: "Sun" => "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand" 11/22/2024 03:33 PM Actions
1631 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Contract - Requirement: app id 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1630 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Contract - Reward: achievement 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1628 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Contracts: relative resource objective 08/05/2023 05:51 PM Actions
1603 Achieve.Games Feature Pending Normal Graph, achievements per year, per month in the last year, per day in the last 30 days 07/08/2023 08:42 AM Actions
1602 Extortion Misc Pending Normal IndieDB page 10/05/2023 10:17 AM Actions
1601 Manufactur'inc Misc Pending Normal IndieDB page 08/10/2023 05:38 PM Actions
1593 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Gift codes 11/22/2024 03:40 PM Actions
1589 Alchemistry Feature Pending Normal 275+ elements 11/22/2024 03:34 PM Actions
1587 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Low Random events to logged on people 04/24/2023 01:03 PM Actions
1581 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal CI: Auto-delete artifacts from workflow to prevent filling Github with useless artifacts when dependabot runs 08/10/2023 05:39 PM Actions
1575 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Referral system 11/22/2024 03:40 PM Actions
1551 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal "Take a break" popup 01/24/2023 06:40 PM Actions
(51-75/126) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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