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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1806 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Make resources path smarter 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1803 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal GDPR compliance: Implement GetDeletedSteamIDs() 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1802 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Total pollution leaderboard 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1799 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Drag & Drop to move equipments 09/21/2024 10:57 AM Actions
1797 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Dynamic price guessing 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1791 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending High Gameplay trailer 11/22/2024 03:38 PM Actions
1786 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Comm tool: Video to factory 11/22/2024 03:38 PM Actions
1778 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Background mode 09/06/2024 05:00 PM Actions
1767 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Energy management 11/28/2024 07:20 AM Actions
1766 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Buy/Sell automatically based on rules 11/22/2024 03:38 PM Actions
1765 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Add a button to disable buildings 11/22/2024 03:40 PM Actions
1763 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Democratic votes (global player consultation which influence things for everyone) 08/25/2024 05:08 PM Actions
1762 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Taxes 08/25/2024 05:07 PM Actions
1761 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Show various productions as a graph 08/25/2024 05:06 PM Actions
1760 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Upgrade buildings to improve productivity by a small percentage 08/25/2024 05:06 PM Actions
1759 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Choose where the resources are from when buying/selling 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1757 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Automate pinning version of Edge, EdgeRuntime, EdgeDriver in Github CI to have the latest common version 08/23/2024 08:09 AM Actions
1755 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Show news in-game 08/19/2024 09:59 AM Actions
1751 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Add multiple chalk texture + Improve the existing one 11/22/2024 03:39 PM Actions
1742 Manufactur'inc Improvement Pending Normal Manufactur'inc new resource system - Unit Test - New instability cases 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1739 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Ethics 11/22/2024 03:39 PM Actions
1738 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Add the possibility to manually link buildings 11/22/2024 03:37 PM Actions
1736 Extortion Feature Pending Normal Add an in-game link to the official wiki 11/22/2024 03:36 PM Actions
1732 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Generate changelogs in admin .json files when applying to prod server 05/15/2024 08:30 PM Actions
1713 Manufactur'inc Feature Pending Normal Add command palette 03/21/2024 12:19 AM Actions
(26-50/126) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 250

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