Sulfur open Sixth Version 10% 10 issues (1 closed — 9 open) Related issues Feature #1416: 35+ Challenges Actions Feature #1589: 275+ elements Actions Feature #1642: New achievement: "Sun" => "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand" Actions Feature #1815: Crafting tree Actions Feature #1866: Lemon, Lemonade and cave johnson's achievement Actions Improvement #1388: Highlight "Final" objects Actions Improvement #1408: Drag'n drop to spawn elements from bottom bar Actions Improvement #1730: Switch from CRA to Vite Actions Improvement #1826: Count speedrun time from the first merge, not from the gamemode start Actions Improvement #1858: Make last moved element on top of other ones Actions
Z - Backlog open 0% 10 issues (0 closed — 10 open) Related issues Feature #1266: Discord rich presence Actions Feature #1316: Sandbox moves leaderboard Actions Feature #1436: Add the possibility to zoom-in/zoom-out board Actions Feature #1491: Tauri migration Actions Improvement #1296: API usage with leaderboard Actions Improvement #1391: Guide or tutorial about advanced controls Actions Improvement #1450: E2E - Drag'n drop Actions Improvement #1451: E2E - Reorg tool Actions Improvement #1452: E2E - Bottom bar Actions Misc #1354: IndieDB page Actions