Helium open Every main feature is available 86% 30 issues (25 closed — 5 open) Related issues Bug #1692: Invalid ghost for non 1x1 elements Actions Feature #1612: Visually show resource transfer Actions Feature #1621: Storage Actions Feature #1622: Move building Actions Feature #1624: Manually Buy/Sell resources Actions Feature #1643: Administration client + Migrations runner Actions Feature #1656: Fake create building visually after clicking to prevent feeling lag from server Actions Feature #1661: E2E tests Actions Feature #1662: Create initial SQL scripts Actions Feature #1682: Factory canvas context menu Actions Feature #1693: Auto-(un)assign resources to storage units Actions Feature #1696: MacOS ARM build Actions Feature #1702: Visual roadmap Actions Feature #1709: Implement in-game feedback tools Actions Feature #1735: Add an in-game link to the official wiki Actions Feature #1747: Draw the factory with chalk texture to make it better looking + Automate the image generation process from the OG svg + png textures Actions Feature #1768: Show equipment inner storage details Actions Feature #1769: Show equipment production when hovering (or clicking?) Actions Feature #1777: Feedback form for playtest/demo Actions Feature #1786: Comm tool: Video to factory Actions Improvement #1654: Améliorations Logo Actions Improvement #1666: Rework database structure in order to make it less ambiguous and more future-proof Actions Improvement #1667: Rework ressource storage/movement Actions Improvement #1673: Auto-scale pods Actions Improvement #1684: Show real figures as money on top bar Actions Improvement #1686: Enough items to actively test gameplay Actions Improvement #1697: Admin: Show min and max cycle duration Actions Improvement #1708: Accessibility checkup Actions Improvement #1740: Refacto CI to reduce minutes consumption Actions Misc #1635: IGDB page Actions
Lithium open 12% 27 issues (3 closed — 24 open) Related issues Feature #1623: Destroy/Sell building Actions Feature #1627: Tutorial Actions Feature #1630: Contract - Reward: achievement Actions Feature #1631: Contract - Requirement: app id Actions Feature #1688: Show input/output path when hovering an equipment Actions Feature #1689: Show production stats when hovering an equipment on map Actions Feature #1690: Show name + a button for various data (name, cost, stats, ...) when hovering an element in equipment selector Actions Feature #1703: [Epic] Create reporting based on various data to improve balancing and attraction to the game Actions Feature #1704: Save start/end date of every contract of every player Actions Feature #1705: Create a CCU graph with day/hourly details Actions Feature #1706: Create a report for the percentage (and absolute amounts) of people finishing a contract, for global and time-limited contracts Actions Feature #1707: Create a report for the average/median/90% time to finish contracts, for global and time-limited contracts Actions Feature #1726: Comm tool: Img to factory Actions Feature #1754: Contracts - New possible requirement/objective: follow a steam page Actions Feature #1764: Leaderboards Actions Feature #1766: Buy/Sell automatically based on rules Actions Feature #1784: Add in-game background music Actions Feature #1785: Settings panel Actions Feature #1787: Set resources as favorites Actions Improvement #1687: Keyboard binding for move (M)/sell (R) Actions Improvement #1742: Manufactur'inc new resource system - Unit Test - New instability cases Actions Improvement #1751: Add multiple chalk texture + Improve the existing one Actions Improvement #1759: Choose where the resources are from when buying/selling Actions Improvement #1780: Steam long description & screenshot: Translate Actions Improvement #1781: UI sounds Actions Improvement #1782: Music Actions Misc #1674: Test de charge avec k6 Actions
zBacklog open 2% 36 issues (0 closed — 36 open) Related issues Feature #1525: Maintenance mode Actions Feature #1537: Version checker Actions Feature #1547: Enable steam overlay Actions Feature #1551: "Take a break" popup Actions Feature #1575: Referral system Actions Feature #1587: Random events to logged on people Actions Feature #1588: Logs window Actions Feature #1593: Gift codes Actions Feature #1638: Hover text in right bar Actions Feature #1644: Wiki generator using data from i18n, game and administration Actions Feature #1649: API to expose data (global market, resources list, building list, more ?) Actions Feature #1650: Global events: christmas, easter, etc. Actions Feature #1653: Youtube category Actions Feature #1691: Minimap Actions Feature #1710: Twitch integration Actions Feature #1711: Settings: Key remapper Actions Feature #1713: Add command palette Actions Feature #1725: Create an automated system for live streaming Actions Feature #1732: Generate changelogs in admin .json files when applying to prod server Actions Feature #1738: Add the possibility to manually link buildings Actions Feature #1739: Ethics Actions Feature #1755: Show news in-game Actions Feature #1756: Setup a dashboard on Grafana to show feedback Actions Feature #1761: Show various productions as a graph Actions Feature #1762: Taxes Actions Feature #1763: Democratic votes (global player consultation which influence things for everyone) Actions Feature #1765: Add a button to disable buildings Actions Feature #1767: Energy production Actions Feature #1778: Background mode Actions Improvement #1581: CI: Auto-delete artifacts from workflow to prevent filling Github with useless artifacts when dependabot runs Actions Improvement #1628: Contracts: relative resource objective Actions Improvement #1712: Settings/Storage: Add an option to show full storage as well as current usage on the right tab for accessibility purposes Actions Improvement #1757: Automate pinning version of Edge, EdgeRuntime, EdgeDriver in Github CI to have the latest common version Actions Improvement #1760: Upgrade buildings to improve productivity by a small percentage Actions Improvement #1783: Modify simulateCompanySince tests so it compares to the exact calculation as well Actions Misc #1601: IndieDB page Actions